Once you are clocked in to a Visit on mobile, you can complete all Forms, Interventions, and Goals that have been assigned as Service Tasks for the Visit. You can also add Forms and Interventions to your Service Tasks

To begin, open a Visit in your Schedule or a Client from your Caseload, clock in, and swipe to the Service Tasks tab. 

                            iOS:                                                                               Android:

service_tasks_tab_iOS.jpg service_tasks_tab_android.png

You will see all Forms, Interventions, and Goals that should be completed or updated as part of the VisitInterventions that you are required to complete in order to clock out of the Visit will be marked with an asterisk. 

Complete a Form

In the Forms section, you will see the Forms that are specifically linked to either the Service or Visit itself. Tap the box next to the Form you wish to complete.

                                    iOS:                                                                              Android:

forms_service_tasks_iOS.png forms_service_tasks_android_.png

The Form will automatically open. Complete the relevant fields and click Submit/Save

After submitting the Form, you will be returned to the Service Tasks list. The Form will be marked as complete and the date and time of submission will appear beneath it. The counter for the Forms section will also be updated.                                                                     

Complete an Intervention 

In the Interventions section, tap the checkbox to mark an Intervention as complete.  

                             iOS:                                                                                     Android:

completed_interventions_iOS.jpg  completed_interventions_android.png

If you cannot complete an Intervention, tap the comment_icon.png  icon to leave a comment.  Adding a comment is necessary if the Intervention cannot be completed but is required in order to clock-out of the Visit

                            iOS:                                                                                              Android:

  add_comment_intervention_iOS.jpg add_comment_service_tasks_android.png

If Capture Time Spent on Intervention was selected for the Intervention, you will be prompted to enter the time you spent on the Intervention

                            iOS:                                                                                 Android:

capture_time_spent_on_intervention_iOS.png capture_time_spent_on_intervention_android.png

If there is a Form attached to the Intervention, navigate to the Form and complete it.  

                                    iOS:                                                                 Android:

fill_form_service_tasks_interventions_iOS.png fill_form_interventions_android.png

After submitting the Form, tap the checkbox to mark the Intervention as complete. 

If the Intervention is linked to another module in AlayaCare, navigate to that specific module to complete the item.

                          iOS:                                                                            Android:

administer_medications_interventions_iOS.png vitals_interventions_android.png

After entering the data, tap the checkbox to mark the Intervention as complete. 

Complete a Goal

To complete a Goal that is tracked per Visit, tap the checkbox to mark it as complete.

                                iOS:                                                                             Android:

goals_service_tasks_iOS.png goals_service_tasks_android.png

If the Goal is tracked by Percentage, you will be prompted to select the current percentage of Goal Completion. Tap Update to save your entry.

                              iOS:                                                                                 Android:

goal_percentage_service_tasks_iOS.png update_goal_progress_percentage_android.png

If the Progress Tracking Method is Per Visit with Comments, you will be prompted to enter a comment for the Goal when marking it as complete. 

                            iOS:                                                                               Android:

visit_goal_comment_service_tasks_iOS.png add_comment_goal_android.png

Add a Form or Intervention to your Service Tasks 

To add a Form or Intervention to your Service Tasks while clocked into the Visit, tap the + button in the bottom right of the screen.  

                                  iOS:                                                                             Android:                        

  service_tasks_tab_iOS.jpg add_form_intervention_service_tasks_android.png

Choose either Add Form or Add Intervention.

                              iOS:                                                                                     Android:

add_form_intervention_service_tasks_iOS.png add_service_task_android.png

If you choose to add a Form, select the Form from the Forms List. A Form with a checkmark indicates that it is already in the Service Tasks for the Visit

                             iOS:                                                                                         Android:


When you have finished selecting the Forms you wish to add to the Service Tasks, tap Done. 

If you choose to add an Intervention, select the Intervention you wish to add from the Client's Care Plan by tapping the + button. For each Intervention, you will see the Intervention Frequency as well as the number of times it has occurred in the frequency period.  An Intervention with a check mark indicates that it is already in the Service Tasks for the Visit

                                 iOS:                                                                      Android:

add_interventions_service_tasks_iOS.png add_interventions_to_service_tasks_android.png

After selecting the Interventions you wish to add, tap Apply. The new Interventions will now appear in the Service Tasks tab.